Mother Gothel - Selfish Manipulator

Card Details
[Skip the Drama, Stay with Mama] While this character is exerted, opposing characters can't quest.
- Rarity:Super Rare
- Number:90/204
- Property:Tangled
- Cost (Ink):6
- Character Version:Selfish Manipulator
- Ink Type:Emerald
- Card Type:Character
- Subtypes:Storyborn;Villain
- Strength:3
- Willpower:6
- Lore Value:2
- Flavor Text:"Great. Now I'm the bad guy."
See Also:
Mulan - Imperial Soldier
Robin Hood - Unrivaled Archer
Mickey Mouse - Artful Rogue
Maleficent - Monstrous Dragon

If you want to know other decks that use these Ink's: Card.